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Beauty Food

Basically there are 10 fundamentals when it comes to my Beauty diet.
Whole grain carbs
Vegetables and fruits to every meal and between meals
Various (seasonal food) and balanced diet (spicy, sour, base, sweet)
No simple sugars and as little salt as possible
Cold pressed oils & quality nuts
Home prepared and cooked meals
No chemical additives (as less as possible) in your food like preservatives, aroma,

dyestuff etc.
Organic, natural, untreated ingredients

No Meat, Milk or sodas

All the meat eaters out there will hate to hear this but regardless of what commercials tells us, “Meat is life”, actually it is death and as long as the protein myth flows around in our minds, as long people will suffer from its effects.
In the wild, carnivorous species do not live nearly as long as their herbivorous counterparts by a wide margin and this is for very good reasons.
Mainly because a daisy in general grows faster than a little calf and with a theoretical higher life expectation than a meat eater, we would run out of their resources.
Now you may say that humans are omnivorous.
Right, our intestines in proportion to our bodies represent 1:6 of our overall mass. This means we actually have shorter intestines than plant eaters and larger intestines than the average intestinal length of the average carnivore, who has evolved shorter intestines so as not to suffer from the poisonous by products of putrefying meat.
How lucky we are, don’t we?

We have evolved the possibility of choice...…once again!
I often hear the excuse of needing protein for working out, especially here in LA.
Dave Scott, Vegeterian, U.S. triathlete, and the first six-time Ironman Triathon, World Champion, who won the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii six times, spoke of the ridiculous misbelieve that we or specialized athletes need to eat meat in order to be competitive.
Vegeterian Sixto Linares won a 24 hour triathlon (swim 4.8 miles, cycle 185 miles, run 52.5 miles) and at the same time picked up a world record. Paavo Nurmi (20 World records for long-distance running, and 9 Olympic medals) and Bill Pickering, (World record for breast-stroke swimming) were Vegetarians (He also swam across the English channel by the way). Murray Rose (probably the best swimmer of all time) was a Vegetarian. Pierreo Verot (a world record holding Skiier) was a Vegetarian, Stan Price (World record holder for the number of bench-presses ) and Andreas Cahling (Bodybuilding Mr. International) are just a few examples on the list of respected Vegetarian top athletes.

                                                               I personally became a Vegetarian mostly because of ethical reasons.

                                                               Resources become less and less and yet we are feeding our Steak all the food we actually could

                                                               be enjoying ourselves right now.
                                                               If you love your hamburger you probably very close to throwing your pickles at me or are now    

                                                               planning to surprise me with a Korean barbecue.
                                                               If you are feeling your temper rising, please DONT continue reading. I dont want to give you an

                                                               early heart already in endangered.
                                                               I truly believe that meat harvested from animals who suffered their whole lives in factory farms,  

                                                               is inevitably just toxic for us.
                                                               When you eat this meat, you coincidently also eat the byproducts of medical treatments such as

                                                               antibiotics, hormones and any of the other shots these animals are stuck with in order to combat  

                                                               the disease and harshness of the terrible circumstances they are forced to live in.

                                                               Importantly, you are also eating the stress these animals build up inside from these caustic living environments. There is a reason why your risk of cancer is relatively higher in comparison to the amount of meat you eat in your diet.

I grew up on the countryside and in my family we always ate meat, even if not very often. I admit that I was also seduced by the lovely smell of a steak for about a year after I stopped eating meat.
I tell you a secret.
I even cheated a few times the first two years after committing to become a Vegetarian but as more as I avoid eating meat the more energetic and happier I felt, the clearer my skin became and the healthier my hair appeared. I even had no problems managing my weight anymore regardless of whether I worked out regularly or not. It was in some regards a bit like rehab. At the beginning you miss that beautiful steak or strip of bacon, but then in time your body starts to notice that you do so much better without it and starts to reject it.

You are probably surprised that I mostly eat carbs.
Rice, Cous Cous, Potatoes, and noodles. As long as you use whole grain carb products, they will never cause you to gain weight and also they will keep us free from cellulite my ladies! Imagine how many wieners you would need to eat to satisfy your hunger. Probably 5 to 7, depending on your appetite. This would mean you would be eating 500 to 900 calories, if we are taking little wieners. In comparison, how many cups of whole grain rice could you eat to feel full? Probably 1 or 2 cups, which adds up to around 210 to 420 calories.
But it does not stop here. Now imagine how long you will be feeling full after 5 wieners and how long after 1 cup of whole grain rice.

You get my point here, right?

Every meal should have a side of fresh and rare fruits and vegetables.
Make that your standard. If there is nothing fresh on your plate, it is not a whole meal. Vegetables and fruits are base foods. That means they will balance out all the other acids you are consuming in a day and will make your skin shine.

Milk is another product that you definitely should cancel from your menu.
We are the only mammals, who choose to drink milk at an adult age.
Looking at the composition milk, it is actually not too dissimilar to the purulence our body creates when we have an infection.

To top that, the most shocking news, it is a liquid we harvest from another species.
It is no wonder that with the popularity of cows milk in our diets that more and more

children and adults are developing lactose intolerance, these days.
Organic soymilk is a good alternative.

Nutrition is a comprehensive theme and I will not have time to mention everything.
Basically Beauty-food is always going to be fresh, natural, free from chemicals and

pesticides, whole grained, and varied throughout your diet.
You will always want to prepare your own food so you know exactly what is on your

plate. Your body will start to heal itself by flushing out all the toxic substances you have

accumulated over the years. There can be a few healing reactions at the beginning of

such a diet change. Diarrhea, constipation, mild dizziness or mild headaches during the

first month can be experienced. But keep on's worth it!

Every herb has beautiful secrets. Be curious. Spend some time researching

healing herbs on the Internet. Cooking with herbs make us beautiful and they taste delicious!

You have no time for cooking and study your food?

Well, in this case you have no time for the life fuel that keeps you in shape and happy!

There is no easy or general diet. You have to make the effort to find out what works for you as an individual.

Eat natural and buy mostly organic... it is your body, your temple, your life...if you lose that, you lost your time!

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