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Beauty Soul

Put a Coke into your gas tank and your car will stall immediately.
Amazingly enough, we can put chemicals, pesticides, alcohol, cigarettes and

other toxic substances into our bodies which were never designed for and

we still seem to function.
On the other side, you see in people’s faces and bodies that they are

running on the youth veins agglutinating soda.
Here comes a bold theory.
Maybe it is not necessary to use facial creams, body wraps or

invest in complex beauty surgery to stay young, active and beautiful.

I have very often seen examples of this in people from the countryside,

who are isolated from the civilization crap.
The body is designed to heal itself as long as we don’t obstruct it.
How? The answer is probably simpler than you think however probably

harder to follow up, than just cure the symptoms of aging.

Food is the answer. ...

Stress is the most toxic ingredient we can possible put into our body.

Believe it or not, if your soul gets sick, your body will follow soon.

I am not talking about the positive stress, the excitement, when you work

with your creativity and your passion. I am talking about the stress,

which gives you a bad stomach feeling. True, there will always be things,

we have to do, we wish we could avoid. Of course it is still healthy to challenge ourselves from time to time and allow ourselves to grow over our own borders but don’t allow anybody, including yourself, to be someone you are not and most importantly don’t want to be.
Not everybody shuffled himself or herself out of the ghetto to become a multimillionaire, not everybody is born with the proportions of Gisele Buendchen, not everybody can work from 5 a.m. in the morning till 2 a.m. at night, not all of us are successful in business, in relationships and have six kids running around.
Some of us are just loving, beautiful people with great ideas who don't run as fast as others.
Whoever we are, be we sprinters or if we shine in persistency, if we are a family people or prefer to be on our own, if we are gifted with charisma or just have a great bootie, whatever our qualities are, nobody has your special unique combination and on the other hand, there will always be someone who can do certain things better than you.
With this knowledge, why make a competition out of everything?

Every flower blossoms in its own time. Don't let anybody tell you and please don’t tell yourself, that surely by now you should have done better and certainly don’t focus your frustrations on the others around you, who sometimes seem to be further than you on their path through life.
                                                                                                     Let me clarify this with one example.
                                                                                                     Imagine, you are running a race and you are already five Miles behind      

                                                                                                     everybody else. Now somebody calls out and tells you,

                                                                                                    “Shame on you! You will never catch up with them”.

                                                                                                     Will that make you try harder? Probably.
                                                                                                     Will that make you run faster? Most likely not.
                                                                                                     Why? Because fear of failure will built up in you and where fear takes  

                                                                                                     over, faith will be long gone. The more affective way would be to tell

                                                                                                     your self  “I will do my best and with my will and my staying power

                                                                                                     I know I will reach my goal for sure. No need to worry.”

                                                                                                    Most important than everything else, find your motivation from the  

                                                                                                    enjoyment of the run.

                                                                                                    Joy will keep you running; pressure will only cut your breath.

                                                                                                     I have often heard people say, “But I tried so hard but became too  

                                                                                                    exhausted in the middle.”
                                                                                                    How often did you think, “I HAVE to get that job” and than you did not.          

                                                                                                    How often did you say to yourself, “I will give my 100%” and it  

                                                                                                    went great?
                                                                                                    "Have to”, gives us pressure, “I will” is your suggestion and
                                                                                                     is the first step towards reaching your goals.

As part of my acting education, I had to take ballet classes. My teacher always spoke about giving the 120%. 100% would not be enough.
100% means following your dreams with all our power, wisdom and passion. It means we are taking something seriously and are trying as hard as we can.
Does this mean that at 100%  I’m falling short of 120% and I am failing even though I am giving my absolute best?
Truly motivating.
We all tend to focus on the 20% we cannot give, as hard as we try and we forget to focus and award us for the average 40, good 60, great 80 or best 100% we gave today and that makes us feeling like losers even when we are succeeding.

This leaves us feeling exhausted, depressive and in the end makes us age.
Having read these past paragraphs, I want you to now ask yourself a question;
What do others believe makes you happy and compare that to the reality of what actually makes you happy.

What makes the leading character of your life movie, the child at it’s Birthday party, the most important person in your life, you, happy?


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