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Music is for slobs

A daring title, isn't it. But I mean it in a very complimentary way.

Art reminds us being human.
For me there is no art I am personally not interested in and still, there is something fascinating, called Music, which is a bit different than the others.

When you read or watch a play, you first need to follow the story to make a connection with the characters. The amount and depth of emotion the character has to go through will be proportional to the amount of happiness you experience after you leave the theatre at the end of the show.
Provided you believed the actors, of course!

We see the happiness, the sadness, the hope, the devastation, the anger, the fear and comfort of the faces on the screen or the stage projected back onto us.
In a very obvious form, for example when watching a Comedy or a Horror movie or in its finest form for example within the pages of the Academy Awards winning movie "The Kings Speech". The story was not the part that kept us on the edge of our seats but instead the fine expression of emotions, produced from the relationships of the characters, enhanced by shining through those cool British manners.

It is almost impossible not to copy those witnessed expressions yourself in at least a very minimalistic form. In consideration that we are talking about good acting, we could theoretically film the audience and we would know exactly which emotional state the characters on the screen are projecting in every moment.
We truly feel these emotions as though they were our own.
The mind follows the body.
Start to smile or blink at yourself the next time you are angry. After a while the anger will subside (as long as nobody or a new thought pours more oil into the flame).

What keeps us entertained during a play is the identification we feel with the characters and the feeling of their emotions. This is the reason why we are feeling like we just had a mini Bungee-jump after we come out of the theatre. 
An emotional workout that makes us feel satisfied as we leave the theatre.

Sculpture, photography and painting can be challenging arts for some of us.

Not everybody is entertained by walking through a gallery or a museum for hours.
For these arts we need our imaginations and not everybody has Munchausen's fantasy.
We have to build our story ourselves by looking at the picture, painting or sculpture.

It is very interesting that a dance performance can transmit emotions through your own body. You now probably think, “What? I am certainly just watching” but similar to mimicking the emotions painted on a persons face, you will copy peoples movements if they fascinate you. Subconsciously you are copying the dancer’s steps, in tiny little muscle movements even in your comfy theater chair.

You practically feel engaged from somebody else’s movements, through your own body.

Again, your mind follows your body. What your body expresses will make you feel these emotions and amazingly the other way around, which is shown in an interesting experiment where Scientists screened workout videos to people wearing plaster casts. The amazing result was that these people had less muscle mass loss than other people just relaxing. Fascinating, isn't it?

But back to the arts and finally to the lazy music.

The extraordinary thing when listening to music is we can feel the emotions without even making any effort.
Music stabs directly in our hearts. To do that it even does not need a human voice.
An average song is about 3 minutes long and how often we just needed a few seconds before we are bursting out into tears or dancing around the room because we immediately feel so happy hearing these sounds.

It seems that we can find beautiful, joyful ways through our eyes, through our imagination and through our body into our hearts but the most direct way seems to be through our ears.

There is just one little topic, which precipitates this magical process. Humor.

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